Well Co-ordinated Youth Ministry throughout Chennai; reaching unreachable places through Christ. Youngsters are the key for a nations success and guiding them in God's way will make generations prosper.
Dedicated Sunday Class for His little ones guiding them into God's love. Kids take part in Bible Quiz, Games, drama which takes them a step ahead to be closer to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Dedicated Bible Study, Men, Women and Youth Fellowship every week.
Education, Medical and Financial support for the poor and needy. Extending helping hands to children who only dream of education and meeting the monthly needs for those who are in desperate need.
Helping out stranded people during Floods - 2015; Vardha Cyclone - 2017 with food, water, clothes, personal hygiene products and Medicines.
Special teams are formed and Gospel/Evangelism is done by individually formed teams to extend the love of Christ to all those who know nothing about the love of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Pastor K.M Johnson along with his wife Sis. Sherly visit the believers houses regularly to pray and guide them further in Jesus Christ. Special cottage meetings as well as teams visits the believers houses regularly in the time of need.
Providing food and rations for the poor and needy every month.
Extending Medical support to the wounded and needy during natural disasters.
IPC EBENEZER CHURCH +91-9381054540/9841170903 ipcebenezerministries@gmail.com
M.K Stalin Road, Ebenezer Street,
Vandalur, Chennai - 600048
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